Sunday, July 22, 2007

Don't worry...

It's okay to be unimportant. To live from day to day, with no more visible an impact than a trimmed lawn and a dumpster at the corner of your driveway. It's okay to be, in the cosmic scheme of things, meaningless. It's alright if the only positive things your life seems to produce are smiles when you volunteer at the soup kitchen. The strokes on the canvas don't have to be thick, bold, and daring. A few will paint such grand things, but the rest of us will be impressionists: small, indecisive flicks of kindness tied together in an overarching theme of life that we cannot see until we stand back and gaze on the whole. It's okay not to see the big picture in your mind's eye, not to pursue it with flair. We fear a lack of meaning, but in doing so we limit the true grandeur of our own lives. Who can tell what impact a kind word may have? Who can say what a moment of silence can add to a conversation? Life screams for idealism in all its seasons, but in our pursuit of miracle cures fit to remedy the world's ailments, let us not forget the magic of living. Let us not confuse the means and the ends, for in our modern age the two have often -- and evilly -- merged as one. As Gandhi said, "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."

It is in the simplicity of wholesome living that we will save the world.